Skidegate Community Comprehensive Plan

The CCP team will lead the following phases of community engagement:

A community-based approach to planning

• collect information at the Open House on how best to honor the voices in the community

• create a Community Advisory Committee to co-create the CCP

• identify community members and groups with a stake in the CCP

• identify the best engagement approaches with each community group

• set a planning timeline and milestones


Engage the Community

• communicate the CCP purpose, process and event dates/times to on and off-reserve   members via posters,

• social media, newsflashes, radio conversations and at events

• where possible, translate events/materials in Haida

• invite the community to weekly Community Hall meetings to consult on CCP

• work with the Advisory Committee and organizations to host group-specific workshops,   roundtables, meetings and interactive small group discussions

• use a variety of community participation activities (see Facilitation list)


Document Process and Voices

• record, document and report back all community input shared

• oral testimonies, stories, and songs can be recorded by audio and videotaping events,   interviews, discussions and note taking. Written information can be collected by surveys,   drawing paper, comment box submissions, photography and other mediums


Reflect and Celebrate the Process

• determine the milestones of the CCP process, i.e. # and diversity of people part of the   process/committed to taking action, quick start actions completed, partnerships created,   challenges overcome, stories told etc.

• celebrate each milestone completed

• seek ongoing feedback from the community


Skidegate Community Comprehensive Plan 2012 – 2017

Comprehensive Community Development Plan 2005