
The Housing Department is located within the Skidegate Band Council’s Administrative Offices and assists community members on all types of housing issues including obtaining social housing, rentals, mould problems, renovations, building new houses and financing. A copy of the current Skidegate Band Council’s Housing Policy is available from the Housing Coordinator.

Housing Program Services
• New construction
• Ministerial Guarantees/Section 10 Loans
• Rent-to-Own Units
• Band Housing Rentals
• Elders Unit Rentals
• Mould Remediation/Renovations
• General Renovations
• RRAP/HASI Renovations

Homeowner RRAP (Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program)
Homeowner RRAP offers financial assistance to low income homeowners to repair their homes. If your home requires major repairs, you may be eligible for RRAP assistance to bring it up to minimum health and safety standards and extend its useful life. Eligibility is based on income (plus household size), if your house is valued below a certain amount, and if your house is substandard or overcrowded. Eligible major repairs include structural, heating, electrical, fire safety or plumbing. The assistance is in the form of a loan which may be largely forgivable depending on your income.

Financing A Home On-Reserve
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) can help provide access to financing for housing through its Loan Insurance Program On-Reserve with Ministerial Loan Guarantee. This is a financing option for potential homebuyers who have the financial ability to repay a housing loan. Eligible housing units include existing homes,  new construction and manufactured/modular homes. The minimum down payment required is 5%.